Find a meaningful career at a mission-driven company

We curate a list of employers that are driven by a clear purpose, i.e., they know what they do, why they do it and how they want to achieve their goals. Working for this companies means you make someone’s life significantly better.

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Do not waste your time building a career that leaves you empty and void of meaning. Instead, land a job at a company that is committed to make a contribution and walks the walk. Make your future self proud of you!

Browse our list of companies with a clear/proven purpose.
Apply at the company where you can contribute the most.
Land a job that fulfils you and makes the world a better place.
Find your next job at a company that pursuits a meaningful goal
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Work for the company that best suits your potential
Not all jobs are created equal. There are companies that might have a good reputation but cannot offer you the opportunity you need to grow and have an impact. On the other hand, there are hidden champions that offer great opportunities to grow in your career while making the world a better place. We have created and curated a list of companies and job listings based on a rigorous framework that help you select the right company for the next stage in your career. All companies on our platform want to be hold accountable by you and their stakeholders.
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Proof how serious you are about having impact
Our brains are wired to get all the satisfaction from just imagining a better world. What purpose-driven companies need are individuals that commit to translate ideas into action. Or as Erich Kästner, a famous German author, said: “There is nothing good unless you do it.” (orig.: “Es gibt nichts Gutes, außer man tut es.”)
We provide/Our community provides you with challenges and tools to track and proof you are not just a dreamer but a doer. This helps you stand out when applying for a job at a mission-driven company.
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Our Blog

What is Purpose?

If you ask people what they consider to have a sense of purpose in life, irrespective of their age, gender, cultural or socio-economic background, you find that they all share the same definition: Purpose is a) the pursuit of specific goals that b) are meaningful, and c) benefit someone else (technically, it is referred to as a beyond-the-self thinking). A company with a clear purpose is a company that is able to give a reason for the goal they pursue and have a clear understanding of the change they want to provoke in their customers' lives an

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A company with a "Clear Purpose"

A company with a "Clear Purpose" is able to clearly articulate their goal, how it is meaningful, and how it will make some else's life better. The Purpose Framework developed by Purpose Solutions breaks this big three categories (goal, meaning, and contribution) into six dimensions that are actionable and the pre-requisite to be able to measurably cultivate purpose within the company.

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A company on a "Path to Purpose"

The company on a "Path to Purpose" is a company that can demonstrate that they have not just defined their purpose but are continually working towards it. They are working with Purpose Solutions and/or the tools developed by Purpose Solutions which means that their purpose plays a crucial role in their strategic decision making as well as in their planning for projects or initiatives.

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A company with a "Proof of Purpose"

Companies with a "Proof of Purpose" use the tools provided by to prioritise their initiatives in a way that maximises their input and outcome, have achieved an average Purpose Index of at least 50% throughout the last three months, and can quantify their progress towards their goal and even demonstrate an increase in their effectiveness and efficiency to make the world a better place.

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